Exhibitors from the variety of countries, taking a group photo, and then GEISAI Miami 2008 began!

GEISAI Miami’s huge poster was attracting visitor and visitors.

A great number of visitors was coming and taking to artists directly. That is GEISAI!

Joao Ribas asked an exhibitor about her works.

Matthew Higgs was gazing at the art with his arms folded.

Gradually, the hall was being filled with visitors. We saw collectors negotiating with exhibitors in several booths.

The examination beginning, a tense atmosphere could be felt everywhere in the office room as well as in Japan.

An announcement was held at special tent space, and exhibitors and visitors were seriously waiting for the start.

We announced the result of the judge! Nikki Katsikas was the winner of the GEISAI Miami Award.

Katsikas received a limited edition of the GEISAI Black Trophy.

Asha Canalos won the Bonnie Clearwater Prize, and her artworks were sold out!

Exhibiting photographic artworks, Gregg Evans received the Goao Ribas Prize.

coppi from Japan was awarded the Mattew Higgs Prize.

The winners, the jury, Chairman Murakami, and Founder & Former executive Director Helen Allen were photographed as a commemorative picture. We hope the winners will be successful as artists in the world.